doncaster electrical fire

Pregnant Doncaster mum loses everything in devastating electrical fire

A mum-to-be has been left heartbroken after her family lost everything in a devastating Doncaster electrical fire.

Ashley McClure, currently 24 weeks pregnant, escaped the inferno at her home in Misson. However, the home’s contents went up in smoke and the property has now been left uninhabitable following the fire last month.

Her sister Claire has rallied around Ashley, 32, her partner Dan, 29, the couple’s eight-year-old daughter and two dogs with a huge fundraising campaign for the family which has already seen more than £1,100 pour in.

A devastated Ashley said: “You see these things on the news but never ever imagine it happening to you.”

“To watch everything we have worked for burn to nothing is the most heartbreaking of feelings.”

“I just want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has generously donated – it means so much.”

Sister Claire said that Ashley came home at around 12:30 pm on February 21, with the blaze breaking out shortly afterwards.

She said: “Luckily the electricians were still there and were able to get the dogs out.”

“It took 20 to 25 firefighters to tackle the blaze which took approx almost four hours to put out and make safe.”

“It has destroyed everything and left their home inhabitable due to the extensive fire, smoke and water damage.”

“Thankfully, no one was harmed but to see this happening to my sister is so heartbreaking as they have been left with nothing.”

“They had been preparing for the arrival of their new addition to the family and had just decorated the nursery and had the furniture delivered which has all been destroyed.”

The fire broke out in a walk-in wardrobe due to an electrical fault.

Added Claire: “It has destroyed everything upstairs and sadly nothing has been able to be saved.”

“The downstairs has been left very damaged and everything is soaking wet so as a result they’ve lost the majority of everything downstairs too.”

“My sister and her family are having to re-buy everything – underwear, clothes, shoes, furniture – as well as having to repair all the damage caused by the fire.”

“They have also lost lots of sentimental items which cannot be replaced but hopefully in time, they can start to rebuild their lives and create new memories.”