Devastating Barnsley street fire labelled as electrical fire

The devastating fire that ripped through multiple houses on a street in Barnsley is finally labelled as an electrical fire after professionals investigation into the fires cause

The huge fire that ripped through a street in Barnsley was found to be accidental. On the 19th of July the fire started and quickly engulfed the row of houses. The fire was looked into extensively and the research crew found the fire starting point being an electrical fire in the back garden shed of one of the houses. This likely could have been involved with overheating but the full cause is still unknown.

The fire occurred on the hottest day of the year so far and was one of 200 call-outs in South Yorkshire that happened on the hot Tuesday.

The fire left 5 homes on the road completely destroyed and ruined. The officials came out after finding out the nature of the fire and emphasised peoples care for old electrical items in the hot temperatures that we are seeing. They have said to put effort in to check the state of cables and wires and to deal with anything that looks dangerous or that could lead to potentially starting a fire.